10 Homes

Growing hope out of homelessness through relationships

One of top issues in the Allegan County community, like many communities across the nation, is a lack of safe, affordable housing.

In 2008, we, at Love INC Allegan County launched our Homes of Hope Program in response to this issue, providing transitional housing for families in need. 15 years later, our program has served 13 families as they’ve recovered from divorce, domestic violence, job loss, evictions, addictions, and other life changing events. And while their lives have transformed through our work In the Name of Christ, we know there’s still work to be done here in Allegan County, and that’s why we’re not stopping.

This year, with your help, we’ll step into the expansion of our Homes of Hope Program with a permanent housing option.

Our goal is to provide 10 mobile homes over 5 years to families who complete the transitional housing portion of our Homes of Hope Program. We want to purchase, place, refurbish, and move the families into these homes, making it possible for them to eventually take ownership of the homes.​

But we can’t do this alone.

For true transformation In the Name of Christ to take place, we need the help of fellow Christ-followers (our local churches), generous donors, and eager families who are ready to reach their God-given potential. We need our community to step up, and step into the lives of the families who are ready to be transformed, journeying spiritually, physically, financially, and, ultimately, relationally so that, together, we can grow hope out of homelessness.

Enabling home ownership and independence from state subsidies is no small feat, and a lot of details, requirements, responsibilities, etc. come into play. 

It's our hope that you'll also see yourself somewhere in this process. What part will you play?

Please consider donating to support this need in our community.

Our 10 Homes Program is only possible with the participation of three integral groups of people, each with a list of important skills and responsibilities to bring to the table:

Love INC

  • Raises funds
  • Holds title to homes + facilitates agreement with Mobile Home Owner
  • Organizes church volunteers
  • Selects appropriate participants for the program
  • Provides LIFE Skills, Homes of Hope, and 10 Homes Program leadership and participant case management
  • Provides access to pantries

Churches (Christ-Followers)

  • Provides volunteers
  • Provides financial support
  • Refurbishes mobile homes
  • Provides care team for each family
  • Provides class leaders + mentors for LIFE Skills

Families (Participants)

  • Joins LIFE Skills
  • Completes core classes (Faith & Finances, Ready to Rent)
  • Proves financial and home care sustainability
  • Pays pro-rated cost of home
  • Completes sweat equity requirements

Mallory's Story

Suffering from the after-effects of brainwashing and abuse from my kids’ dad, I moved back home with my mom and stepdad at the age of 30 and, soon after, joined the LIFE Skills program with Love INC. It was here that I found resources I would have never found on my own and was surrounded by people who were hurting just like me.

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Erin's Story

At 32, I was a divorced, single mom with a cancer diagnosis who was barely making ends meet. I chose to hide behind the only coping tool I’d known since the ​age of 17, meth. I quickly lost everything; my home, my job, my kids, my health, and my freedom. In jail, I joined the Woman’s Reentry Program, designed to help women like me rejoin the world in a healthier way. It was in this program that I was first introduced to Love INC Allegan County.