
My involvement with Love INC began in January of 2022. The appointment was for assistance. Little did I know, my life was about to change. God always knows exactly what we need before we do. During my intake, Esther told me about the LIFE Skills Program. I didn’t have much in my life to lose at this point, so I decided to give it a try.

I was going through a nasty divorce and was in desperate need of support. A month later, I was enrolled in LIFE Skills and working on my new life goals. In the program, I was accepted and welcomed. I felt like I was at the right place at the right time. My caseworker, Eloise, was patient and guided me, through Christ, during some of my darkest days. It was in this season, that I began to see hope – a light at the end of a very long and dark tunnel.

Love INC never judged me or my situation. They stood next to me and never backed down with their support and care.

Fast forward to summer of 2024, and I am now engaged to the love of my life. Our bills are paid, I have a budget with savings, and I am employed. God is evident in my life now more than ever. We attend church at Corner Bible, where we’ve found a wonderful church family. I never would have imagine my life being where it is today, had it not been for the support and ministry of Love INC. I’ve made lifelong friends along the journey, and I will never forget the individuals and their impact along the way.

I’d like to say a special thanks to my mentors, Jack, Ray, and Sally for standing by me and believing in me through this journey. I would also like to thank the entire Love INC family. As I said earlier, God knew exactly what I needed before I did. I give Him all the praise, glory, and honor for my life and the changes He has made.