Homes of Hope

Homes of Hope is a transitional housing program offered by Love INC and a network of area churches that provides a caring and supportive environment for homeless families in the face of economic hardship to gain self-sufficiency and permanent housing, while seeing God's love, growing hope, and preserving dignity.

Program participants find themselves surrounded by a supportive team living out God’s love, educational classes, and access to pantries with material goods to meet basic needs.

Did You Know?

  • From 2007 to 2019, the cost of household essentials increased faster than the cost of other goods and services; 3.4% annually while inflation was 1.8%
  • Across our state, 1.5 milllion, or 38 percent of households struggle to afford basic necessitities (housing, childcare, food, technology, health care, transportation)?
  • Single adults now need an annual salary of just over $23,400, while a family of four needs an annual salary of over $64,100 – just to afford the basics; even though these amounts are significantly higher than the 2019 Federal Poverty Level of $12,490 for a single adult and $25,750 for a family of four.
  • Of Allegan County households, 31% live with an income that is considered below a basic survival threshold.
  • In Michigan, 78% of those who live below the poverty line are households headed by single mothers
– 2021 Asset Limited, Income Contrained, Employed (ALICE) Report, Michigan

Here are some of the wonderful volunteers from local churches helping to ready a Home of Hope

Please consider donating to support this need in our community.